Monday, November 13, 2017

Blog Stage 6

On Nov. 3, 2017 My classmate Megan's  Blog Stage 5 , on her blog titled What's Going On? I commented my opinion and critiqued the article. It reads as following:

I chose to comment on this blog post because so often hear about people around me talk about what good a tax cut would do fro our country and our economy. I liked that you chose to an article that was written from the opposite side of the conversation and shed some light on the negative effects a tax cut could have on the U.S. I think that your opinion an argument on the issue are very well supported. The use of sources and quotes provides a good amount of support and strengthens your argument even more. I completely agree with your idea that we need to find a way to support all classes, not just the upper class and big businesses. If I could suggest anything, it would be to maybe provide some ideas on how you personally think we can help the lower and middle class Americans. Other than than that I thought the overall blog post itself was a very interesting read and I completely agree with your thoughts and opinions. As a Social Work major, I was very happy to read something that supports helping the lower and middle class Americans, knowing that others of my generation are wanting to do the same thing only makes me feel like I'm going in the right direction with my career choices.

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